Sunday, November 30, 2008


Well, to say we were surprised by Mary's water breaking 5 weeks early should say a lot, if you know Mary, who's usually prepared, and a step ahead of chance. But, break it did, at 3:00 a.m. on November 8th. So off to the hopsital we went.

I won't go on about the details, but the short of it goes like this:

Water breaks; Mary wakes up Jamie; Jamie still thinks he's asleep.

We go to hospital, and are informed "oh yeah, she's 2 cm dilated, and 65% effaced. Jamie still doesn't know what these terms mean exactly, expecting to learn all about them at birthing class on November 9th. (more below).

We go to Labor & Delivery, but labor is stopped later that day.

Jamie walks over to the scheduled birthing class the next day, to tell them that, unfortunately, "we weren't going to make it." (Also, we wanted our money back.)

Mary gets moved to the "high risk unit," where she is told she will stay until her due date, or until the baby decides it's time, or until the docs decide the risk of infection is too high.

We get totally moved in. The docs THEN tell us the risk of infection is too high, and we're inducing that night. Nice.

The inducing does indeed happen that night, and we sleep through 13 hours of labor. Thank GOD for the epidural! (Jamie tried unsucessfully to get his own epidural several times).

JACKSON HENRY BUCK is born at 8:23 a.m., on November 11, 2008.

Little Jack has been in the NICU since his birthday. He's doing really well, and we're hoping spring him any day now!!

Here are some pictures to introduce you to Jack!


The Buck Family

Jackson Henry!!

More Jackson Henry!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

33 weeks

At my sonogram early this week, the baby was estimated to weigh 4lbs 15 oz already...and I still have 7 weeks to go. My OB tells me that I am carrying a "gigantic" baby and joked with me that if he goes to term, we are going to have to figure some way to get this baby out of me.
PS...check out the Shrek hands.

Happy Halloween!

Jamie's awesome pumpkin carving.